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Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 revised - all changes in season 17

The revision of Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 is finally here and brings the fire-based subclass into harmony with Stasis and Void. After the great success of the Void 3.0 update, which was published with Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, Bungie has subjected the solar subclass in Season of the Haunted to a similar revision.

In the same way as Void Builds has revived in all three classes, Bungie Solar has breathed new life into new life-hot, flaming, raging life, which is not only concerned with the destructive nature of the fire, but also a healthy dose Added explosions and spectacle. This is an important change that improves the effectiveness of all aspects of solar.

While you chase the enemies of mankind over the surface of the moon and the returned cabal ship Leviathan, you will leave a flame trail that is so great that the gods will notice it again-and isn't that for a solar subclass? But what do you get with the overhaul? Read for everything you need to know about the knowledge Fate 2 Solar 3.0 .

Destiny 2 Solar revision

Just like with Stasis and Void, the new Fate 2 Solar 3.0 REPORK is based on the concept of aspects and fragments. Aspects are class-specific modifiers that are equipped with a defined number of slots for fragments that are universal effects. The production of a build requires the combination of these two elements to maximize effectiveness, efficiency or both.

How do I unlock Solar 3.0 in Destiny 2?

You start directly into the introductory mission of Destiny 2 season 17 on board the Leviathan with Solar 3.0, which is already available. However, while all aspects are unlocked immediately, some of the fragments are not.

Go to Ikora Rey in the tower to unlock the others in return. However, some fragments are still not available. Some fragments from VOID 3.0 were only available after the RAID "Vow of the Discipler" went live, so this could be the case here, as a new dungeon will soon start.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 Buffs and Debuffs

The revision adds a number of effects to the solar skills that concentrate on strengthening them and weakening their enemies. Interestingly, there is a penchant for healing effects, something that the bungie is often circling outside of the warlock class.

radiant: * Your weapons are improved by the power of the traveler and add enemies to increased damage. Restoration: You regenerate health and shields over time. Cannot be interrupted by damage. Healing: You will be healed in a outbreak of healing solar lights. Senengen: * The destination is sunk by the destructive solar light and takes damage over time. Scorch damage increases when the goal accumulates more scorch stacks. After enough scorch stacks were applied to the goal, they ignite. ignition: * A large solar explosion that causes damage in an area around the target.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 REWORK-Jäger

With the Solar 3.0 Hunter, everything revolves around this DPS, which keeps enemies on fire with scorch and ignition and at the same time eliminates adds in the dozen.

Jäger super skills

Golden weapon-death shot: * conjure up a flaming quick-fire pistol that dissolves targets with solar light. The cause of solar ignitings, while you are super active, reimburses a golden gun round. Advantages of being radiant. Golden weapon-Sagittarius: Summon a flaming pistol that dissolves targets with solar light. Their golden weapon causes massively increased damage, penetrates goals too much and generates Orbs of Power for precision steepers. Advantages of being radiant. Blade locking fire: Jump in the air and unleash a salt of solar-loaded explosive knives.

Hunter melee skills

Explosive knife up close: * Throw a knife that adheres and explodes when it is impact on surfaces when it recognizes a close goal. Weighted throwing knife: Throw a knife that causes additional precision damage and ignites burned goals. Light knife: quickly throw a knife that causes moderate damage. Precise hits with this knife make you radiant for a short time. Messer trick: Throw a compartment of burning knives that sink the goals in a hit.


Caps them down: * Your solar supers will be improved. Deadshot has a longer duration, Marksman has longer damage resistance and duration and blade barrage shoots more projectiles. While they are radiant, the last strokes with their equipped throwing knives completely refund their near Kampf energy. Fragment slots: 2. Schiesspulver gambling: Defeat goals with skills, solar debuffs or solar weapons to charge an improvised solar grenade. Shoot it in the air to cause an ignition. Fragment slots: 1. On your sign: Precision death bumps grant you and allies nearby for a short time an increased arms handling and re-loading speed. Stacked 3 times. The activation of your class ability immediately grants maximum stacks of "to the places". Fragment slots: 3.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 revision-Titan

The Solar 3.0 Titan is a power package of destructive power built for massive damage and chaos among the enemies.

Titan super skills

Hammer of Sol: * conjure up a flaming hammer and destroy your enemies. When impact, your hammers break into melted shards. Burning mouth: * Summon a flaming mouth and destroy your enemies with the power of an earthquake. Turn the mouth around you around you and harm close destinations or worsen it into the ground to create a flame vertebra that is looking for targets.

Melee skills of the Titanes

Wurfhammer: * Throw a hammer from a distance. The cancellation of a thrown hammer completely invites you to combat ability. If the hammer has hit a goal, the cancellation gives healing. Hammerschlag: * use this melee ability after you have sprinted for a short time to swing a blazing hammer, sink targets and cause damage in a cone behind them. If your goal is defeated by a hammer strike, you ignite.

Titanic aspects

Invackable sun: * Death violations of solar ability, strokes of Hammer of Sol and the defeating of burned goals create solar spots. Your skills regenerate faster and your super super uses slower when you are in a sunflot. Seneal solar spots and add to internal damage. Entering a solar spot is re-established. Fragment slots: 2. consecration: When sliding, activate your charged melee ability to hurl a wave of solar energy to the front, damaged the destinations in front of you and sink while you jump up in the air. Activate your melee in the air again to hit the floor and create a second larger wave. If the wave meets a burned goal, they ignite. Fragment slots: 1. roaring flames: * Death violations with solar skills or ignitions increase the damage of your solar skills. Stacked 3 times. Fragment slots: 2.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 revision-Warlock

The converted Solar 3.0 Warlock is a force that you have to count on. The new aspects make you a threat in the air and on the ground, which means that you have more opportunities to support your operational team and clear the way.

Hexenmeister super skills

YEAU BRAUG: Turn solar light into blades to beat your enemies from heaven. Your daybreak projectile unleash fatal flames when it comes to impact. * Brunnen of the broadcast: Push your sword into the ground and damage and sink targets nearby. The sword projects a continuous aura that grants allies near the restoration and radiant effects and protects them from the effects of Stasis.

Hexenmeister close-up skills

combustion oven Snap: * Schnippe with your fingers to create a compartment of burning sparks, explode and sink targets. Heavenly fire: * Send a spiral of three explosive solar energy.

Warlock aspects

Ikarus Dash: * Significantly in the air. While heat is active, you have an additional dodging. Fragment slots: 2. The heat increases: You can fire weapons, operate melee and throw grenades. Death violations in the air increase the duration of heat increases and grant close-up energy. Consider your grenade to do magic. Fragment slots: 2. Touching the flame: * improves the strength of your healing, solar, fire flash and fusion grenades. Also adds additional effects to each. Fragment slots: 2.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 fragments-universal

  • Glut des Singens: Ihre Klassenfähigkeit lädt sich schneller wieder auf, wenn Sie Ziele versengen.
  • Glut des Wohlwollens: Das Anwenden von Wiederherstellung, Heilung oder Strahlen auf Verbündete gewährt für kurze Zeit eine erhöhte Granaten-, Nahkampf-und Klassenfähigkeitsregeneration.-10 Disziplin.
  • Glut der Balken: Ihre Solar-Super-Projektile haben eine stärkere Zielerfassung. +10 Intelligenz.
  • Glut von Empyrian: Todesstöße von Solarwaffen oder-fähigkeiten verlängern die Dauer der auf Sie angewendeten Wiederherstellungs-und Strahlungseffekte.-10 Belastbarkeit.
  • Glut der Verbrennung: Todesstöße mit Ihrem Solar Super lassen Ziele zünden. +10 Stärke.
  • Glut der Fackeln: Angetriebene Nahkampfangriffe gegen Kämpfer lassen Sie und Verbündete in der Nähe strahlen.
  • Glut von Char: Ihre Solarzündungen verbreiten Brandflecken auf nahe Ziele. +10 Disziplin.
  • Glut der Härtung: Todesstöße von Solarwaffen gewähren dir und deinen Verbündeten für kurze Zeit eine erhöhte Erholung. Stacked 3 times. Während Ember of Tempering aktiv ist, haben deine Waffen in der Luft eine erhöhte Effektivität.-10 Wiederherstellung.
  • Glut der Blasenbildung: Das Besiegen von Zielen mit Solarzündungen gewährt Granatenenergie.
  • Glut des Trostes: Auf Sie angewendete Strahlen-und Wiederherstellungseffekte haben eine längere Dauer.
  • Glut der Eruption: Ihre Solarzündungen haben einen vergrößerten Wirkungsbereich. +10 Stärke.
  • Glut der Asche: Sie wenden mehr Scorch-Stapel auf Ziele an.
  • Glut des Wunders: Das schnelle Besiegen mehrerer Ziele mit Solarzündungen erzeugt eine Energiekugel. +10 Widerstandsfähigkeit.
  • Glut des Sengens: Das Besiegen verbrannter Ziele gewährt Nahkampfenergie. +10 Erholung.

Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 Granatenfähigkeiten – Universell

  • Solargranate: Beschädigt und versengt kontinuierlich darin eingeschlossene Ziele.
  • Tripmin: Bleibt an der Oberfläche haften und explodiert, wenn ein Feind seinen Laserabzug passiert, was Schaden verursacht und ihn versengt.
  • Thermit-Granate: Sendet eine brennende Feuerlinie aus, die Ziele auf ihrem Weg beschädigt und versengt.
  • Brandgranate: Explodiert in einem Feuerstoß und versengt Ziele schwer.
  • Schwarmgranate: Detoniert beim Aufprall und setzt Drohnen frei, die Ziele in der Nähe suchen. Jede Drohne versengt Ziele leicht.
  • Fusionsgranate: Haftet an Zielen, beschädigt und mäßig sengend beim Aufprall.

Destiny 2: Solar 3.0 In-Depth Guide ???? (Best Aspects, Fragments, Builds & More!) * Feuerblitzgranate: Entfesselt Solarlichtblitze, die nahe Ziele beschädigen und leicht versengen. * Heilende Granate: Heilt Verbündete beim Aufprall und erschafft eine Kugel aus wohlwollendem Solarlicht, die Verbündeten beim Aufheben Wiederherstellung gewährt.

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