Baro Ki'teer, the empty dealer , _ is the largest part of the weekend again in the squadring_. In any case, visit him, he has things you should not miss. He is currently at the Orcus Relay on PC and Xbox and Larunda Relay on PS4 and Nintendo Switch. On the Orcus relay can be accessed on Pluto, but you must have at least championship rank 8. The Larunda relay does not require a championship. Sells Baro Ki'teer on PC and console: PC DCIMOS Kehle Request - 75 Eminence, 100,000 credits Primed pressure point - 385 dokatens, 300,000 credits Primed Smite Corpus - 350 Ducato, 140,000 credits PRIMED SMITE CORRUPTED - 350 DUCATES, 140,000 Credits Primed Smite Grineer - 350 Ducato, 140,000 credits Primed Smite Infested - 350 Ducato, 140,000 credits Vom-barrel glyph - 80 ducates, 50,000 credits Quanta on ice skin - 300 dokatens, 300,000 credits Pack leader emblem - 50 dokatens, 50,000 credits Prism Jet Sentinel Wings - 300 Ducato, 200,000 credits DOMUS SYANDANA - 600 DUCA