One of the new features that has been added to destiny 2 is the RECASTER prismatic in the Drifters Room in Annex Tower. The PRISMATIC RECASTER can be used to change the nature of the umbrary fee that you will earn, and these can then be opened using the Umbral decoder.
The Prismatic RECASTER allows you to choose a specific pool of rewards that you want a UMBRAL ENGRAMME, then when you decode them, you will get a booty object from this pool. This fundamentally reduces the GNG a bit of this specific loot source.
You can also classify the Prismatic RECASTER, giving it different effects and potential bonuses. To obtain twisted energy, you will need to complement the weekly premiums of the Prismatic Recaster. These will reward you with 500 twisted energies each, allowing you to win 1000 per week.
The other source of twisted energy in the game is the Season Pass. This will have rewards of different amounts of twisted energy at different levels. Unfortunately, the Daily Prismatic RECASTER premiums do not reward you with twisted energy, but will give you modified elements. You will use them to change the nature of Umbraux fear in the recast, so they are always very important.
Only can win about 1000 Twisted Energy a week is obviously a little bit of bungie, but if we discover other ways to win this resource in the game, we will update this guide accordingly.
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