The second extension of the Griffon year has arrived on Hearthstone with lots of new cards to try. Unis to Hurlevent makes us discover the capital of the covenant as well as its local fauna. Mysterious guards who stay planted in the same place for hours, to the most fraudulent merchant, life is not rest in the city. And on this occasion, the demo hunter offers a brand new quest to scrape with his new deck.
Class cards
1 Crimson Camp Runner
2 Double jump
2 Illidari studies
2 Fury rank 1
2 Esage stamp
2 Gangrené Dam
2 Strike Chaos
2 Spectral vision
2 Chaos's leech
2 Gul'dan Skull
2 Crude wrath
2 Inquisitor Illidari
1 Importer Pandarene
1 C'thun, the broken
Aaecaea5awqav + adyfkds6aeddng9bra / nva / pja8lxa / x2a4n3a4r3a5n5a4cfbiofblablsgbaa =
Cost in dust: 3320
How to play the Deck Chasseur of Demons unis to Hurlevent?
If it remains quite aggressive of nature, this deck of demons hunter is moving more around it and its destructive power. It is based in particular for this on his quest, the Final Fight , in order to play the god at a reduced price. But this quest that can be achieved up to 3 times, the possibility of Planer ** of the Demon Hunter becomes a real asset. We must try to rotate the deck as quickly as possible to disappoint all parts of it.
In order to help him in his task, so it is imperative to keep the quest in his departure hand. The war blades of the Aldachi are also very strong to get rid of adverse servants, while one favors a * Crimson cachet runner ** to move forward in his deck. Taking advantage of low-cost management cards, it's not hard to find solutions to take his short opponent.
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