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Bobic joins Common Goal - and warns of too much technology - KICKE

Shading Light and Form - Basics "I hope he will not be too technical and that many basics and traditional values still remain, that we still have people who like to see soccer," said Bobic in a video published by Hertha. "I just hope it stays the popular sport." As a Common-Goal member, Bobic wants to keep an eye on the promotion of disadvantaged children and adolescents. "This ambition and the ability to use me with many like-minded players from the football for opportunity-friendly children and adolescents have quickly convinced me," said the 49-year-old. Common-Goal members undertake to donate at least one percent of their income for social projects they have selected. Approximately 200 professional footballers, coaches and managers are already there. Video interview ## Svensson exclusive - about the Mainz cader and "Common Goal" All videos in the overview


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