The survival shooter "Abandoned" is a mystery. Since the announcement in April, numerous rumors circulated through the network, which were partly spotted by the developers themselves. So posted the competent developer studio in June that the final title of the game with S start and with L stop. Immediately, the fans suspected that we have dealing here with a new "Silent Hill" offshoot, which was then rejected by the developers.
The founder of the Blue Box Game Studios was forced to turn to the public because of the rumors caused by a short statement. He wanted to clarify that not Hideo Kojima behind this project.
However, the rumors did not stop. At the end of July suddenly was talking about a connection to the "Metal Gear Solid" series. This time a video game journalist and industry insiders from Russia claimed that Konami works on this game and is oriented to marketing the fifth main focus of the Stealth series. Blue box also published a teaser image whose background shows a blurred person. This reminds a little bit of Snake, the protagonist of "Metal Gear Solid".
A negative effect on the development process
Now Hasan Kahraman revealed in an interview with the Montenegrische Gaming page Al Hub that the non-ending speculation had a negative impact on development.
"You have no idea, it was really crazy and even had a negative effect on the development process with many distractions, but I'm sure people will really like to be abandoned. We believe in the game, and I'm still thinking that people will fall, "says the studio founder.
In addition, he talked about the setting of the mysterious project: "I can not betray much about the game, but I can say that it plays at an abandoned place in America."
Most recently, a few pictures have been treated from an older build officially confirmed by Kahraman.
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Abandoned: Untiled images out of the mysterious project
"Abandoned" is exclusively for the PlayStation 5 in development. At a later date, the title could also appear for the PC. The revelation of the survival game is done this month. Tomorrow, the introduction to the PS5 app takes place with which you can view all the future trailers in real time.
Further messages to abandoned.
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